Young Girl Froze On Stage During Talent Show But Overcame When Her Loving Mother Began Singing With Her (Video)

Talent shows are a wonderful and exciting place to help children learn about themselves and gain self confidence. Yet it’s a challenging experience for just about anyone to get on a stage in front of an audience and perform something you’re passionate about.

The feelings of nervousness, fright, and tension can cause us to freeze up and forget, and being alone on a stage can make it feel like no one can help us. It’s during these times that the love, support and compassionate example of a parent can turn a difficult time into a beautiful experience.

Rhonda Whitney was at her daughter’s school talent show recording the performances when she captured something incredibly moving and heartwarming.


A young girl was singing Andra Day’s beautiful song “Rise Up” and in the middle of the song, seemed to forget the words and froze for a long period of time while on stage.

The audience froze as well, unsure of what would happen next with the girl’s performance.

Rhonda wrote of the experience:

“At my daughter’s talent show last night, this young lady got scared and stopped singing. What her mom (Shaye Washington) did, had me in tears and I cry every time I watch it. <3
To the mom and daughter in this video: thank you for showing us all something so beautiful, and inspirational. In my eyes you won the talent show <3 #riseup”
Watch this video of her daughter’s performance:

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